Worried Goats

(Sometimes in french)

Car crash, 2

The fury that fills dazai when he sees ango is indelebile. Ango, looking at him like nothing has changed is an insult to what they were, a denial of the sacredness of what used to be. Ango, meeting him like nothing’s wrong, is a denial of Odasaku’s existence. Did it mean so little to him, that he can act like it didn’t break ? If it meant nothing to him, then the Ango he knew was entirely a lie, and the man in front of him should disappear before he stains those memories more. Nothing else will quell the anger welling in Dazai.

But he’s not that man anymore. He needs him, and if he has to play along with this farce, he will; the agency depends on him. Odasaku’s last wish depends on it, so he will.

But - only for now. Never again does he want to see him after that. It’ll look like an accident. Someday soon there’ll be one, and this man will be no more. That’s the thought he clings too while teasing and maintaining his front, ignoring how much every word out of that mouth hurts. He’ll kill him. The man he called his friend never existed, and Odasaku died of it. So, so be it.

-Dazai-kun. Run, and tell your subordinates that they’re all in danger -