For weeks now Itachi has been stressed past all tolerance, and earlier tonight there was a spike of misery followed by such a determination that the stress disppeared. Sasuke only got flashes through the bond (is his big brother blocking it intentionally? It feels like he should get more), “including your little brother” “..spared - “ - he wishes he could have seen who was talking to Itachi like that.

Right now, though, what he’s feeling - seeing -

The previous flashes of blood were nothing compared to that. Despair and the same determination. Their parents’ voices. He can almsot feel the blade in his hands, as he’s running through the compound, ignoring the bodies - his parents are still alive, it’s not too late to save his family, at least - that terrible determination is wavering, maybe -

“You really are a kind child” and Itachi is crying, but his determination is reaffirmed, and Sasuke - Sasuke has no idea what he is sending, himself, through the bond, and he’s too late, he just got home. He crumbles and cries. He doesn’t have the strength to go see his parents’ corpses. He can’t see his soulmate either, his heart is breaking. That he knows, without a doubt, that Itachi’s heart is just as broken makes it all worse.

The bond is closing. Whatever happens next, he will only have they slightest hints to make sense of it.

He doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t want to hear whatever lies Itachi will tell him. So, while there’s still time, liek he suspects Itachi is doing three tooms away, he puts himself together and dries his tears. Then, not seeing any paper and pen close enough, he pricks his finger with a kunai and write on the wall.

“I love you. Good bye”