Worried Goats

(Sometimes in french)

Gaanaru soulmate AU

Ca arrive d’un coup. Un instant, il essaie de lire son livre de cours, le suivant il observe par des yeux qui ne sont pas les siens un visage qu’il ne connaît pas. Le hurlement qui s’échappe de ses lèvres - pas le sien. La terreur, l’horreur, la douleur dans son coeur - pas les siennes (mais, oh, si familières)

Ce n’est pas la première fois. Il connaît cette sensation de sable, cette envie de pleurer, cette haine pour un monde qui le rejette et l’abandonne. Il a eu déjà, bien des fois, des instants de connexion. Certainement l’autre sait aussi, où il est et comment il vit et qu’il la connaît aussi, cette peine. Il aimerait pouvoir apporter à peu de joie à cet autre, mais il n’y en a pour aucun d’eux deux.

Mais au moins, là, maintenant, tout de suite - la connexion est plus forte, plus vraie qu’elle ne l’a jamais été. Au moins, là, maintenant, tout de suite - il peut communiquer ses émotions, et même ses pensées.

“Il ment il ment il ment tu n’es pas seul tu es aimé JE SUIS LA”

“Même si personne d’autre au monde ne nous aime je te promets je serai toujours, toujours là”


There’s another voice in his head, screaming for his attention. It’s the first time he hears it, but he knows whose it is. Or does he? He thought so, but it occurs to him that Yashamaru might have lied about that too.

He wants to believe in what the voice of who could be his other is saying, but also there’s so, so much evidence that he’s made of hatred, nothing more than a demon; first among which, the cooling corpse of his uncle at his feet.

Gaara, à partir de ce jour, continue à recevoir des flashs de celui qui pourrait être son autre, si la notion d’un autre à lui était plausible. Et, pendant longtemps, il continue à penser que, peut-être, c’est vraiment son autre, parce que tous les flashs sont des flashs qu’il comprend, qu’il connait. En retour il tue, et tue, et tue; si son autre reçoit la joie, la satisfaction, le soulagement qu’il ressent à prouver son existence, (à crier ‘j’existe, j’existe, je suis là, regardez-moi’ de la seule façon dont il est entendu), peut-être son autre comprendra-t-il.

Mais, en retour, il commence à recevoir des choses nouvelles. Le gout de nouilles et de bouillon. Le visage d’un homme avec un regard d’affection. L’espoir, et un soulagement qui lui est inconnu.

Et puis, un jour, le désespoir de son autre l’atteint, et il est là, dans sa tête, témoin de tout l’incident. Il entend le nom de son autre, il l’entend recevoir ce que lui n’a jamais eu, et la haine l’envahit. Son autre ne peut la manquer, mais il renvoie, directement, sa détermination, sa décision, si différente de celle que Gaara prise lors de leur dernière fusion.

Sa détermination, sa décision, et un renouvellement de sa promesse.

‘TU n’es pas seul, Gaara - je suis là, je serai toujours là - je te le prouverai, je le jure’

Et son autre - Uzumaki Naruto - se jette dans le combat.

Gaara has disappeared. He went ahead of them, disappearing into Konoha, as sson as they saw it. It’s a disaster; his control has always been sloppy at best, and he has not shown any interest in improving it in years. They can’t afford to have him attack someone in the village before the signal.

He knows his other is coming closer. He can sense Gaara’s anticipation; without any doubt, he also knows that they will meet soon.

Back there, in Wave, when he thought for sure Sasuke was dead, when the anger overwhelmed him, for the first time in years, what came through the link wasn’t pure, unadulterated hostility (no, not unadulterated; tinted with so, so much pain and misery, an anger so familiar), but something like curiosity. Even lost in his fury, his grief, losing control over Kyuubi’s chakra, he could feel Gaara’s vindication - and his disappointment. There was no joy in being proven right, and for that alone, for the pain his soulmate felt, Naruto found his determination again.

But since then Gaara has felt even more angry at him. Even so. Naruto is glad, so glad he’s coming. He’s not listening to Kakashi-sensei, he’s not paying any attention to Sasuke and Sakura, or to Konohamaru and his friends. All he’s feeling is that presence coming closer, and -

He feels Gaara’s killing intent, of course. It’s not going to be easy. But he’s not thinking about that. He wants to see him. He wants to know what he looks like, he wants to hear his voice, if it sounds like it does in his ears.

He’s running towards the village entrance before he even realizes. On the other end of the bond, he can sense Gaara’s impatience just as his own, and suddenly -

There’s a sand cloud in front of him, and someone. A teen his age, red headed. There’s a tattoo on his forehead, and a cold look in his teal eyes. Naruto’s terrified. As much as he wants to meet him, he knows better than anyone what kind of person his soulmate is, what kind of life he’s led, what things he’s done.

-I’ll kill you.

…Yeah, he’s not surprised those are his soulmate’s first words.

-You sure can try! But I won’t let you. Also, do you want to get ramen?

-…;Now? Did you not hear what i just said?

NAruto looks at him, smiles and grabs on his hands.

-I know you, Gaara. There’s absolutely going to be a fight at some point, but can’t we have a date, first?

-A. Date.

-Yeah, you know? Spending time together? Having fun? Getting to knwo each otehr?

Gaara might not be getting mroe angry, but he’s not getting less murderous. Still, he takes a deep breath.

-I don’t know why I’m surprised.

His hand is warm in Naruto’s. In the bond, the confusion feels familiar, and Naruto smiles.

In person, Gaara is - not that scary. Awkward. Naruto can feel what he’s feeling, of course; they’re so close now that they’d just have to touch. But he’s too embarassed himself to even know where to start.